Undergraduate Course in Interior Design

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Agustin González

Undergraduate Course in Interior Design

  • Modalidad de impartición El modo de enseñanza del Undergraduate Course in Interior Design es presencial en la ciudad Barcelona.
  • Número de horas El tiempo de estudio que demanda este programa es de 4 años.
  • Titulación oficial El egresado recibirá de parte de IED Istituto Europeo di Design un título de grado.
  • Valoración del programa En el Undergraduate Course in Interior Design, el alumno se convertirá en un profesional capaz de dirigir y coordinar proyectos de diseño interior adaptados a las tendencias, los gustos e intereses del mercado actual. Se preparará en los fundamentos de arquitectura, las técnicas y valores estéticos y creativos. Aprenderá a trabajar en proyectos sólidos basados en los principios de la imagen, el diseño y el manejo de nuevas herramientas tecnológicas.
  • Dirigido a Pueden estudiar este programa quienes tengan interés por las temáticas vinculadas al diseño, el dibujo, la arquitectura y la creatividad.
  • Empleabilidad Podrá aspirar a trabajos en cargos laborales como: interior designer, retail designer, service designer, a desempeñarse en empresas de marketing, comunicación, diseño y publicidad.

Undergraduate Course in Interior Design

  • Contenido Undergraduate Course in Interior Design.

    CREDITS: 180

    Main goal of the course is training students to design spaces merging feelings and perceptions with a rigorous functional disposition. They learn to interact with the Italian design system, that complex and unique network of relations among Italian/international Designers, schools, Made in Italy businesses producing furniture/lamps and customer companies.

    Students learn those expressive tools that allow to develop, assess and explain a project from the briefing to the final creation and communication: the pencil, 3D modelling and rendering software.
    Title - The First Level Academic Diploma is recognized by MIUR (Ministry for Education, University and Research) and equated with the Bachelor’s Degree issued by Universities.


    Check the pages dedicated to the creative professions: Interior Designer.


    The global market has a growing demand for eclectic interior designers with competences both in the architectural composition of a space and in the design of services, to organize and improve the relation between space and people.

    Methodology and structure.

    The student acquires a broad range of competences: cultural, technical and project based. Cultural elements connected to design, architecture and art but also sociology and anthropology are all subjects of study, necessary to comprehend the evolutionary phenomena of behaviour. 

    Students are introduced to marketing, an essential tool for analysing brand values and market positioning of the companies the interior designer collaborates with. They gain their own solid project development method that, starting from ethical, social and sustainable values, allow them to acquire a mindset for strategic design. Once the design mindset has been defined, an accurate definition of spaces highlighting of psychological and physical wellbeing is developed through a careful use of materials, colours and lights.
    To this end, the Designer must possess those expressive tools allowing to develop, assess and explain the project: the pencil, 3-D modelling and rendering software. 

    Career opportunities:

    Interior Designer, Exhibit Designer, Retail Designer, Restaurant Designer, Set Designer, Designer for Hospitality, Service Designer.

Otra formación relacionada con diseño de interiores