Master in Management, Finance, and Data Analytics

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    4.390 euros
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    Tuition fee and scholarship: Participation costs have been set at 4.390€ per year. International students will pay a discounted fee of about 4.390€ per year (mimimum variation could depend on the regional tax).
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Nadia Bacco

Nadia Bacco

Master in Management, Finance, and Data Analytics

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Master in Management and Finance se imparte de forma presencial en Roma.
  • Número de horas
    La extensión del programa es de 24 meses (2 años).
  • Titulación oficial
    Università LUMSA brinda a los egresados titulación oficial garantizando su aprendizaje.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Master in Management and Finance ofrece un aprendizaje con perspectiva internacional, integrando una formación en administración y finanzas empresariales. Se estudian las técnicas e instrumentos de análisis financiero, de gestión de activos y pasivos, el seguimiento de temas vinculados a inversiones, riesgos, entre otros.

    En conjunto con otras cuatro universidades europeas, esta la opción de llevar a cabo el programa de Financial Data Analytics and Sustainable Finance (FINDATA) El programa se dicta en inglés y la especialización en italiano, ideal para estudiantes que buscan poner en práctica sus conocimientos en idiomas.
  • Dirigido a
    Università LUMSA dirige su programa a profesionales con experiencia en ámbitos de gestión financiera, a titulados universitarios que busquen competencias en administración y finanzas.
  • Empleabilidad
    El egresado podrá liderar empresas y negocios en lo referente a la administración general, así como a la dirección contable y financiera de una empresa.
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Comentarios sobre Master in Management, Finance, and Data Analytics - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    Management, Finance, and Data Analytics.

    City: Rome
    Department: Law, Economics, Politics, and Foreign Languages (Rome)
    Language: Italian / English
    Duration: 2 years
    Credits: 120

    Course targets.

    The Master’s Degree in Management, Finance and Data Analytics (MMFDA) aims to train graduates with specific and qualified skills in management, finance and data analysis required to operate as manager, consultant and data analyst for companies, financial institutions and public administrations. It offers an international learning path in which functional and sectoral knowledge is integrated into the themes of innovation and sustainability, preparing graduates to take on managerial roles with full awareness of the economic, finance, technological, social and environmental challenges of the 21st century. The 24-month program proposes a curriculum  taught in English in Sustainable Finance and Data Analytics (SFDA).

    For student fluent in Italian, the program proposes also two majors taught in Italian:

    • Administration, financial management and control 
    • Management and Sustainability.

    Admission criteria and requirements.

    Applicants are selected based on their curriculum vitae (CV), possibly supplemented by an entrance test and or interview with the director of the program (for international applicants). Requirements:

    A university bachelor degree containing a minimum of 36 ECTS comprised in the following fields: management and business administration, economics, statistics and mathematics, law.
    English language knowledge at least equal to B2 level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In particular applicants can possess one of the following requirements:

    • University qualification awarded in English
    • One of the recognized international English language certificates (BEC, CAE, CPE, FCE, IELTS, TOEFL)
    • English exam at B2 level (or higher) passed in a university course.
    • An interview with the director of the program aimed to assess the English language competency

    Enrollment and application form.

    To be admitted must have:

    • The entrance visa for study purposes issued by the competent Italian Diplomatic authorities
    • Certified true copy of the final academic qualification achieved, which entitles the student to have access to the following level of academic education. Duly legalized by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities in the country of reference, provided with consular legalization, the Dichiarazione di valore in loco and with an official translation into Italian;
    • Transcript of exams issued by the competent University – approved by the Italian Diplomatic Authority in the country of reference  – with the name of each passed exams and the detailed syllabi of each course attended, required to achieve the final title in question;
    •  ID Card /Passport.

    Syllabus and program.

    The curriculum in Sustainable Finance and Data Analytics (SFDA) is an innovative program preparing graduates with the cutting-edge mindset, theoretical knowledge and practical skills, with a multidisciplinary approach, for a wide range of careers in the financial ecosystem. It provides students with experience and understanding of the technological, financial, management, statistical and sustainability skills and the impact of digital transformation in banking and in financial services (e.g. Fintech) from an ESG perspective. Students will use some of the fundamental tools used by data scientist and will become familiar with sourcing structured and unstructured data to treat applying machine learning techniques in finance. Students will develop critical skills for working in the financial ecosystem through the in-depth study of the theory and the practice of innovation and sustainability. The aim of the course is also to acquaint students with the justification and relevance of humanism in the era of rapid development of digital technologies. Upon completing the program, Management, Finance and Data Analytics graduates will:


    Learn key techniques and methodologies of data analysis
    Acquire innovation skills necessary to recognize the opportunities of digital transformation in the financial sector and to interpret the ethical and sustainable implications
    Develop skills to evaluate and formulate innovative and sustainable financial strategies.

    Study Plan- Academic year 2023-2024 (First year).
    • Asset Management 5 40
    • Behavioural Economics 5 40
    • Economics of Innovation and Sustainability 9 60
    • Business Law 6 40
    • Principles of Artificial Intelligence 5 40
    • Big Data Analytics 10 80
    • Computational Finance 10 80
    • Elective classes choosen by the student among the activities offered by the University 10

    Study Plan- Academic year 2024-2025 (Second year).
    • Innovation in Banking and Fintech  6  40
    • Sustainable Finance and Investments 6  40
    • Advanced Corporate Finance 8 60
    • Financial Risk Management or Corporate Strategy and Sustainability  4  30
    • Theology 6 40
    • Internship  8
    • Thesis 22

    Classes are organized in two semesters during each year of study. Usually first semester starts in October and ends at the end of December; while second semester starts at the end of February and ends by May.
    After the course has ended, respecting the course structure provided, students may take an examination; Master’s Degree in Management, Finance and Data Analytics holds three exam sessions a year, in winter, summer and autumn and offers at least seven date of exams during year.


    The academic calendar scheduled for 2023-2024 academic year is:
    • First semester: From October 3rd to December 22nd 2023
    • Winter Session exam: From January 8th to February 17th 2023 three dates of exams as free choice for students
    • Second semester: From February 19th to May 18th 2024
    • Summer Session exam: From May 25tn to July 20th 2024. Three dates of exams as free choice for students
    • Autumn Session exam: From September 2nd to September 30th 2024. Two dates of exams as free choice for students
    • Graduation: Summer, Autumn and Winter session: for each session will be at least one grad.

    Final thesis and graduation.

    Master degree is awarded to students who have gained 120 ECTS/CFU credits and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production and public defence of an original dissertation. The thesis is worth 15 ECTS.
    To be admitted to the graduation session students must earn all the credits provided for in the program structure except for those credits of the thesis and must not have any pending financial obligations to LUMSA University. The thesis is evaluated on contents, presentation and defence.
    For final assessment of the entire degree, a 110-point scale is used. Students pass the final degree exam if they obtain a mark of at least 66 (if student has an average of 18 on 30). The Board can unanimously award "lode" (cum laude) as a special distinction.

    Employment and career opportunity.

    Curriculum in Sustainable Finance and Data Analytics provides an excellent preparation for careers in the financial ecosystem. Graduates are trained as data analyst in the banking, insurance, financial service and financial consultancy sectors as well as in authorities and regulatory agencies. It also provides the right mindset and excellent preparation to become financial analysts, CFOs, investment bankers and advisors in the perspective of humanistic, sustainable, and technological finance. The master degree graduates will also be able to go on to doctoral programs and attend both first- and second-level Masters (post-lauream Masters).

    The Master Degree in Management, Finance and Data Analytics also ensures the participation in open competition exams for the Italian Public Administration level employment.


    The faculty is highly qualified and includes both international scholars and professionals. Students will experience a variety of teaching and learning methods including traditional and interactive lectures, case studies, seminars, presentations and group project works. Drawing upon direct contacts with for- and non-profit organizations, teaching methods are designed to create a stimulating and practical learning environment.

    Financial Data Analytics and Sustainable Finance (FINDATA).

    Financial Data Analytics and Sustainable Finance (FINDATA) is a Joint Master’s Degree Programme organized in collaboration between four European universities: University of Pardubice in Czech Republic, European University in Cyprus, LUMSA University in Italy and Vilnius University in Lithuania.

    FINDATA is an English-language programme that allows students to experience various European universities. They begin their studies in Pardubice, the Czech Republic, then move on to Nicosia, Cyprus, and later select either Rome, Italy, or Vilnius, Lithuania. They also have the option to choose any of the four universities for their final semester thesis. The study programme offers students a choice of two specialisations: Corporate Finance or Financial Markets.

    The study programme prepares graduates for various careers in finance, such as financial analyst, bank broker, investment advisor, etc. They can work in financial markets, banks, insurance, fintech, and other sectors.


    The FINDATA programme objective is to provide its graduates with systematic knowledge not only of finance but also of advanced technological applications, so that they will be prepared to face the challenges associated with constant developments in financial technology. The FINDATA programme is designed to make the best use of the specific expertise available at each Partner University. It shall enable each student to profit from the best education and supporting services each Partner offers, and to enable each student to gain experience in different international environments.

    The programme language is English. The study field is economics/finance completed by informatics. The FINDATA programme comprises 120 ECTS credits, which correspond to a period of study of 4 semesters or 2 years. The study form of the FINDATA programme is full time. The students are obliged to study at least in three of the Partner universities.

    Two specialisations are offered to the students to choose within the FINDATA programme: Corporate Finance and Financial Markets. Each student chooses his specialisation according to his/her preference and also to the capacities of the partner universities. Both of them are equal and lead to the joint diploma provided together by the four Partner universities. Approximately one half of students is expected to study each specialisation.

    Main topics:

    -Selected concepts and contexts of finance and economics
    -New trends in banking and FinTech, including data analytics and innovative technologies
    -The concept of innovation and its determinants, and how to finance sustainable innovation
    -Statistical and econometric methods for analysing economic and financial time series
    -Information technologies and software products for analytical, presentation, and management activities in finance
    -Potential and limitations of big data analytics
    -Common European values and effective EU legislation in finance


    The universities all bring an added value to the joint study programme. The University of Pardubice, as coordinator, will arrange the admission procedure and start teaching in the first semester. Students will receive basic information in the field of finance and through the selection of one of the elective courses, it will be ensured that students with Bachelor's degrees from different fields will have the same basic knowledge of both economic and IT subjects at EUC, they will continue their studies in IT subjects. In the third semester, students will decide between the specialization - Financial Markets (Vilnius) or Corporate Finance (LUMSA). In the last semester they will write their thesis at one of the selected universities.

    The program will be as follows:

        introduction week at the University of Pardubice
        I semester: University of Pardubice (all students)
        II semester: European University of Cyprus (all students)
        Summer school in Cyprus
        III semester: LUMSA University or University of Vilnius
        IV semester: final exam (30 credits) at the university of your choice

    Mobility is an integral part of the FINDATA program. In the third semester, students will decide whether to major in Financial Markets (Vilnius) or Corporate Finance (LUMSA).


    Admission procedure is administered by the Coordinator with the support of all Partner Universities.

    The admission procedure is two-round. In the first round, the applicants are ranked on the basis of their results in the previous level of study, motivation (motivation letter) and letters of recommendation. Representatives of all Partner Universities evaluate each applicant independently, and the final ranking is the average of these rankings. Candidates not fulfilling the criteria set out will receive 0 points and will not be evaluated in the first round. In the second round, the top-ranked students are invited to an online interview, which is attended by representatives of at least two Partner Universities for each individual student. The final ranking of the applicants is determined by the results of both the first and second rounds.

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