Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology

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    4.390 euros
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    Tuition fee.

    Participation costs for international students have been set at 4.390€  per year. These costs cover tuition fees, examination and administrative services provided by each academic institution.
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Agustin González

Agustin González

Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology

  • Modalidad de impartición
    Las clases del Master in Psychology of Work and Organizational Well-being se dictan de forma presencial en Roma, Italia.
  • Número de horas
    Son necesarios dos años de estudio y alcanzar satisfactoriamente los 120 créditos que establece la institución.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al finalizar el plan de estudios con base en las exigencias fijadas por LUMSA, el graduado se hará acreedor del título de Master in Psychology of Work and Organizational Well-being.
  • Valoración del programa
    En el Master in Psychology of Work and Organizational Well-being el alumno aprenderá los aspectos centrales del management de recursos humanos, estudiando sobre psicología, manejo de grupos, tendencias y capacidad para intervenir en diferentes tipos de conflictos sociales dentro de una organización. Aprenderá métodos de comunicación efectiva, evaluación y planificación de los recursos humanos de una empresa. Se formará en liderazgo y capacidad para seleccionar, evaluar, potenciar y mejorar las cualidades profesionales y humanas dentro de una organización.

    Llevar a cabo el Máster Universitario en Psicología del Trabajo y Bienestar Organizacional brinda al estudiante la oportunidad de avanzar en su trayecto profesional y contribuir a la mejora continua en los entornos laborales actuales, los cuales, exigen líderes capaces de afrontar nuevos desafíos y potenciar las competencias de quienes los integran.
  • Dirigido a
    El programa ofrecido por la Università LUMSA, se orienta a profesionales universitarios en Psicología, Recursos Humanos y áreas afines. Para ingresar, el postulante debe presentar una entrevista que certifique su conocimiento en inglés, por tal motivo, el nivel exigido tendrá que ser igual o superior a B2 y contar con certificación internacional previa.
  • Empleabilidad
    Podrán desempeñarse laboralmente en departamentos de Recursos Humanos de una empresa, así como en consultoras, realizando funciones de alto mando y ejecutando acciones en mentoría y coaching enfocadas al desarrollo del capital humano.
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Comentarios sobre Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology.

    City: Rome
    Department: Human Sciences (Roma)
    Language: Italy / English
    Duration: 2 years
    Credits: 120

    Course Targets.

    The Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology aims to train master's graduates with high theoretical-scientific and professional skills in the field of psychology aimed at the management of human resources and the promotion of well-being in the workplace, as well as the evaluation and planning of individual, group and network intervention in organizations. The Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology also aims to provide the specific skills required of psychologists who intend to carry out research and intervention activities in relation to the different organizational contexts.

    Upon completion of the Master’s degree, graduates should be able to carry out the following tasks:

    - selection, evaluation, assessment, retraining, and career development; study and construction of tools for the detection of skills and attitudes for the various tasks (such as: tests, questionnaires, survey grids);
    - analysis, planning, and implementation of intervention on social conflicts in the workplace; interventions on leadership development, teamwork, soft skills, staff motivation and organizational involvement;
    - organizational analysis and design of organizational environments, working methods and effective communication methods, both inside and outside a company;
    - evaluation and intervention on the organizational structures according to the users and for the improvement of their effectiveness and efficiency; interventions aimed at the humanization of hospitals and social welfare structures;
    - assessment of the quality of services;
    - analysis of training needs and training planning; staff training and updating; study, design and assessment of the adequacy of the man-tools relationship; design and evaluation of interventions aimed at improving organizational behavior, safety at work, design and evaluation of the impact of new technologies; monitoring and evaluation of training interventions;
    - detection of work-related stress risk, as well as development, monitoring and evaluation of the related interventions to combat and reduce the phenomenon;
    - promotion of well-being and psychosocial health in the workplace.
    Admission criteria and requirements.

    Applicants are selected based on their curriculum vitae (CV), possibly supplemented by an entrance test and or interview with the director of the program (for international applicants). Requirements:

    - A university bachelor degree containing a minimum of 88 ECTS or equivalent comprised in the following fields: general psychology, psychobiology and physiological psychology, psychometry, developmental psychology and educational psychology, work and organizational psychology, dynamic psychology, clinical psychology. it is necessary to hold at least 6 ECTS in 7 out of the 8 previously mentioned fields
    - English language knowledge at least equal to B2 level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In particular applicants can possess one of the following requirements:

       - university qualification awarded in English
       - one of the recognized international English language certificates (BEC, CAE, CPE, FCE, IELTS, TOEFL)
       - English exam at B2 level (or higher) passed in a university course.
       - an interview aimed to assess the English language competency.
    Enrollment and application form.

    To be admitted applicants must have:

    - The entrance visa for study purposes issued by the competent Italian Diplomatic authorities
    - Certified true copy of the final academic qualification achieved, which entitles the student to have access to the following level of academic education. This copy must be duly legalized by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities in the country of reference, provided with consular legalization, the “Dichiarazione di valore in loco”, and with an official translation into Italian;
    - Transcript of exams issued by the competent University – approved by the Italian Diplomatic Authority in the country of reference – with the name of each passed exams and the detailed syllabi of each course attended, required to achieve the final title in question;
    - ID Card/Passport.

    Syllabus and program.

    The Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology is a two-year program taught in English for 120 credits (ECTS/CFU), internationally open, practice-oriented and job-market driven.

    Academic year.

    Fisrt Year
    • Evidence-based management
    • Training, empowerment, and strengthening of soft skills. business coaching and counseling
    • Promotion and protection of health and well-being within organizations
    • Statistical methods for the analysis of organizational phenomena
    • Workshop: structures and processes of the organizations
    • Methods and techniques of selection and assessment of human resources
    • Group dynamics, conflict and negotiation in organizations
    • Decision-making psychology applied to organizations
    • Economics and development of innovation
    • Workshop: project management
    • Workshop: business english
    • Theology

    Second year
    • Lifelong learning and skills assessment
    • Fundamentals of labor law
    • Workshop: diversity management and organizational change
    • Workshop: corporate welfare systems and incentives
    • Workshop: smart working and new work scenarios
    • Workshop: organizational communication and corporate social responsibility
    • Psychology of the environment and psychosocial well-being in organizational contexts
    • Two out of the following disciplines (student’s choice):
    • Economics of innovation and sustainability
    • Organizational design and behavior
    • Digital strategy
    • Thesis

    Academic calendar.

    Classes are organized in two semesters during each year of study. Usually first semester starts in October and ends at the end of December; while second semester starts at the end of February and ends by May.

    After the course has ended, respecting the course structure provided, students may take an examination; Master in Social, Forensic and Organizational Psychology holds three exam sessions a year, in winter, summer and autumn and offers at least seven dates of exams during year.

    The academic calendar scheduled for 2021-2022 academic year is:

    First semester: From October 1st to December 22nd 2021
    Winter Session exam: From January 7th to February 13th 2022 three dates of exams as free choice for students
    Second semester: From February 15th to May 15th 2022
    Summer Session exam: From May 17th to July 24th 2022. Three dates of exams as free choice for students
    Autumn Session exam: From September 1st to September 30th 2022. Two dates of exams as free choice for students
    Graduation: Summer, Autumn and Winter session: for each session will be at least one graduation session

    Employment and career opportunity.

    Managers of human resources and organizational processes among public and private, as well as profit and non-profit organizations;

    Professionals of organizational consultancies, dealing with personnel selection and training, organizational analysis and planning; outplacement, stress prevention, and organizational well-being;

    Freelance consultants, as a trainer, counselor, tutor, mentor, coach, recruiter and evaluator of human resources, as well as an analyzer of the quality of processes, of the organizational climate and culture, and of the risks of work-related stress.

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