Master in Insurance & Risk Management

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Nadia Bacco

Nadia Bacco

Master in Insurance & Risk Management

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad de impartición del Master in Insurance & Risk Management es presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Los contenidos tienen una duración de 12 meses.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al finalizar el programa el estudiante obtiene la titulación de Master in Insurance & Risk Management.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Master dictado por MIB Trieste School of Management es una formación teórico-práctica que actualiza los conocimientos y herramientas utilizadas en la gestión de negocios y corporaciones relacionadas a la Gestión de Riesgos y Seguros. Además, el alumno podrá obtener una preparación internacional de la mano de profesores expertos en el área y llevar a cabo actividades complementarias.
  • Dirigido a
    La formación se dirige a recién titulados y profesionales con amplio interés en el campo de estudio: "Insurance & Risk Management", cuyo objetivo es alcanzar una formación integral de la mano de una de las mejores institución de nivel superior en Italia.
  • Empleabilidad
    MIB Trieste School of Management garantiza a sus estudiantes la posibilidad de acceder a mejores posiciones laborales, en sectores de dirección y administración empresarial, en el campo de los Seguros y la Gestión de Riesgos. Tendrán la preparación para brindar valor agregado en los cargos que desempeñen como ejecutivos, directores o jefes de área.
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Comentarios sobre Master in Insurance & Risk Management - Presencial - Trieste - Italia

  • Contenido
    Master in Insurance & Risk Management.  

    A Specialized Master designed along with Companies, in cooperation with some Partners as Allianz, Generali, KPMG, EY. 

    Duration: 12 months.  
    Placement: 91%.  
    Language: English.  
    Where: Trieste, Italy.  
    International Students: 50%.  
    Formula: Full Time. 

    A link with the corporate world

    Confirmed among the Top 5 in the world in the 2020 Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking.
    Accredited by EPAS - European Programme Accreditation System - and ASFOR.

    Master in Insurance & Risk Management (MIRM): an open door to the most important markets of recent years, insurance, risk management, consulting and finance. This 12-month Specialized Master's degree program is in English and open both to new graduates and professionals with years of professional experience.

    It is among small number of Master Programs accredited by EPAS, the most thorough accreditation system for management programmes, acknowledged worldwide by students, employers and the media.

    MIRM has proven itself as one of the world's best master, confirming in 2020 its #5 position worldwide in the World Ranking of Eduniversal - Insurance, Risk & Actuarial Sciences category.

    MIRM at a glance.

    The first 7.5 months are held in the classroom, followed by a period with various opportunities including company internships, study abroad programs at one of MIB Trieste School of Management's Business School partners, and research/consultancy projects in collaboration with selected companies.

    The Career Services department supports each participant from the beginning to the end of the program. The Master has a placement rate of 91% (within 6 months of the Diploma) largely because the program is designed along with major market players.

    Once a month the Steering Committee meets, which includes the Master's management team as well as 4 partner companies (Allianz, EY, Generali, KPMG) and external consultants with the aim of keeping the program up-to-speed with current and innovative content.

    MIRM approach is concrete and business oriented: participants develop technical skills, a managerial approach and  leadership strategies. Participants are trained as well-rounded managers with specific skills and high emotional intelligence, equipped take part in international teams.

    - 91% Placement in the World (within 6 months of graduation)
    - 9 Company Sponsors
    - 40+ Company Partners

    Company sponsors.

    - Finance Masters with Merit Scholarships
    - Help define the educational program
    - Share their experience in the classroom
    - Offer internships and placement

    Merit Scholarships.

    MIB Trieste School of Management along with nine companies come together to sponsor participants by rewarding the talent of top candidates. Each year, merit scholarships covering partial or complete tuition are awarded to deserving participants of different nationalities.
    What are the characteristics that the scholarship committee is looking for?.

    A strong CV, experiences abroad, previous professional experience, a quality motivational letter, selection test results and the personal interview.

    - 6 100% Full Scholarships
    - +10 Up to 50% Partial Scholarships

    An international experience.

    The Masters in Insurance & Risk Management welcomes participants from every continent. Not only is the classroom a multi-cultural experience, there are also several opportunities to have a global experience yourself!

    Study Tours.

    Study tours are open to participants of the various Masters, Alumni and, in some cases, representatives of partner companies. Study tours to European destinations include training sessions and meetings with Top Management in companies and production sites.

    Why MIRM.

    Maximum usability in the job market.

    The Master is designed along with giants of the sector: the Career Services department of the School organizes interviews for internships and supports participants in planning their careers. MIRM graduates enter the job market with a distinction that differentiates them from thousands of graduates without this prestigious title.


    Thanks to the established contacts of MIB Trieste, participants become part of a real and concrete network of partner companies and sponsors who turn to the school to find high-level candidates for their teams. And the Alumni Association along with graduates from all over the world: colleagues and friends you can rely on for both professional and personal advice and support.

    Leadership Dynamics.

    The Master distinguishes itself from other programs in that it does not stop at technical skills. Close attention is paid to managerial issues and indispensable soft skills: listening skills, multicultural awareness, and emotional intelligence are areas where MIB Trieste focuses and helps participants excel.

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