Master in Marketing & Digital Communication

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    4.390 euros
  • Comentarios:
    Tuition fee and scholarship: Participation costs have been set at 4.390€ per year. International students will pay a discounted fee of about 4.390€ per year (mimimum variation could depend on the regional tax).
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Nadia Bacco

Nadia Bacco

Master in Marketing & Digital Communication

  • Modalidad de impartición
    Università LUMSA brinda esta formación en modalidad presencial en Roma, Italia.
  • Número de horas
    La duración del programa es de dos años, iniciando en octubre el primer semestre y en febrero el segundo. Es importante tomar en cuenta que dichas fechas pueden ser modificadas.
  • Titulación oficial
    El egresado adquiere el título de Master in Marketing & Digital Communication. La Universidad hará entrega del mismo una vez el alumno haya culminado sus estudios según los parámetros académicos establecidos por la institución.
  • Valoración del programa
    El programa constituye una formación integral y multidisciplinaria sobre el Marketing y la Comunicación aplicadas a entornos digitales. Comprenderá el panorama actual del sector e implementará estrategias innovadoras y de vanguardia adaptadas a cada mercado.

    Estudiar el Máster en Marketing y Comunicación Digital brinda como ventaja competitiva egresar de una Universidad de reconocimiento mundial, innovadora en el área y con cuerpo docente especializado en uno de los campos de mayor demanda profesional a nivel global.

    Los alumnos van a obtener habilidades para el desarrollo de contenidos en medios digitales y tradicionales, así como planificación en marketing web.
  • Dirigido a
    El Master in Marketing & Digital Communication se orienta a perfiles profesionales con alto interés en adquirir conocimientos en este campo de formación. También, graduados de áreas afines al Marketing, Comunicación Social, Publicidad, Administración de Empresas, entre otras. Dentro de las condiciones fijadas por la Università LUMSA se encuentra: tener nivel de inglés B2 o superior y presentar un certificado internacional que acredite su dominio.
  • Empleabilidad
    Los egresados del Máster tienen las competencias para desempeñarse como Directores, Gerentes y Líderes tanto de unidades de negocio como de empresas, independientemente del rubro al que pertenezcan. Igualmente, podrán trabajar en compañías especializadas en Marketing y Comunicación Digital, Agencias o Centrales de Medios. Y como generadores de estrategias de modo externo e independiente.
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Comentarios sobre Master in Marketing & Digital Communication - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido

    Master in Marketing & Digital Communication.

    City: Rome
    Department: Human Sciences (Roma)
    Language: Italian / English
    Duration: 2 years
    Credits: 120

    Course targets

    The Master’s Degree in Marketing & Digital Communication provides a comprehensive study of fundamental marketing and communication theory, as well as practical skills, abilities and tools in crafting and providing content through both traditional and digital media. Upon completion of this master degree, graduates should be able to:

    • Demonstrate advanced knowledge and competencies of theoretical paradigms and practical techniques for crafting and executing web marketing strategies.
    • Demonstrate knowledge and competencies of theoretical paradigms and practical techniques for communicating with different targets through traditional and new media.
    • Develop and assess the effectiveness of traditional, as well as digital and social media marketing and communication strategies.
    • Analyze and assess the context and implications of the Internet for all major online activities, including: collaboration, interactivity, sharing economies, e-commerce, and networking.
    • Select and apply current technologies in digital marketing and communication program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
    • Apply suitable methods, tools and techniques to create and provide effective digital content.
    • Graduates of this program may pursue careers in communication and marketing, in consulting and enterprises across different industries, including private, public, non-profit, small- and medium-sized businesses, services, as well as self-employed.


    Admission criteria and requirements:

    Applicants are selected based on their curriculum vitae (CV), possibly supplemented by an entrance test and or interview with the director of the program (for international applicants). Requirements:

    •  A university bachelor degree containing a minimum of 60 ECTS or equivalent comprised in the following fields: communication, marketing, as well as digital and social media management.
    • English language knowledge at least equal to B2 level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In particular applicants can possess one of the following requirements:
      - university qualification awarded in English
      - one of the recognized international English language certificates (BEC, CAE, CPE, FCE, IELTS, TOEFL)
      - English exam at B2 level (or higher) passed in a university course.
      - an interview aimed to assess the English language competency.


    Enrollment and application form:

    To be admitted applicants must have:

    • The entrance visa for study purposes issued by the competent Italian Diplomatic authorities
    • Certified true copy of the final academic qualification achieved, which entitles the student to have access to the following level of academic education. This copy must be duly legalized by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities in the country of reference, provided with consular legalization, the “Dichiarazione di valore in loco”, and with an official translation into Italian;
    • Transcript of exams issued by the competent University – approved by the Italian Diplomatic Authority in the country of reference  – with the name of each passed exams and the detailed syllabi of each course attended, required to achieve the final title in question;
    • ID Card/Passport.


    Syllabus and program:

    The Master’s Degree in Marketing & Digital Communication (Laurea Magistrale Classe LM-59) is a two-year program taught in English for 120 credits (ECTS/CFU), internationally open, practice-oriented and job-market driven.

    First year

    • Web marketing and digital advertising
    • Communication metrics - web analytics and datamining
    • Brand management and Media planning
    • Business planning and start up
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Customer Relationship Management and Marketing
    • Business English
    • Theology
    • Project work (Marketing Plan)

    Second year

    • Digital Public Relations
    • Events management
    • Digital writing and visual design
    • Sponsorship and fundraising
    • Web design
    • Project work (Lab Social Media Management & Web Analytics) or Internship
    • Thesis 
    Academic calendar:

    Classes are organized in two semesters during each year of study. Usually first semester starts in October and ends at the end of December; while second semester starts at the end of February and ends by May.

    After the course has ended, respecting the course structure provided, students may take an examination; Master’s Degree in Marketing & Digital Communication holds three exam sessions a year, in winter, summer and autumn and offers at least seven dates of exams during year.

    Final thesis and graduation:

    Master degree is awarded to students who have gained 120 ECTS/CFU credits and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production and public defence of an original dissertation. The thesis is worth 21 ECTS.

    To be admitted to the graduation session students must earn all the credits provided for in the program structure except for those credits of the thesis and must not have any pending financial obligations to LUMSA University. The thesis is evaluated on contents, presentation and defence.

    For final assessment of the entire degree, a 110-point scale is used. Students pass the final degree exam if they obtain a mark of at least 66 (if student has an average of 18 on 30). The Board can unanimously award "lode" (cum laude) as a special distinction. 

    Employment and career opportunity
    • Social Media Manager
    • Digital Communication Manager
    • Brand Manager
    • Digital Marketing Manager
    • New Media Publishing
    • Social Media Specialist and Consultant
    • Events Manager
    • Sponsorship Specialist
    • Fundraising Specialist



    The faculty is highly qualified and includes both scholars and professionals. Students will be exposed to a variety of teaching and learning methods including traditional and interactive lectures, case studies, seminars, presentations, and group project works. Teaching methods are designed to create a stimulating and highly practical learning environment.

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